Friday, April 20, 2012



  1. Francois me boy,

    Where is your interview? There is our first difference. We have many more, you play trumpet, I don't. You write books on music, I write plays. You have students, I don't.

    We have some similarities as well, we are both artists. We both write pieces for our specific art. We both perform. We are both very passionate. We are both old men.

    My judgements here are a little harsh. I honestly respect people who act and who can become a different person on stage, more than a person with big lungs, and can blow into a tube and press down some buttons in a pattern. We might get along, just know that you need to respect me.

  2. Mr. Francois Dauverne,

    Dearest sir, I would like to learn just a little more about you! Your artifacts are interesting, but I feel as if I don't fully know you!

    Anyways, I wish we had more similarities. We both are artists and have a passion about our art. Please let me know if we have any more similarities!

    We have many differences, though! I am an actress and you are a composer and a trumpet player. I have never composed a piece of music in my life, which must be a difficult process!

    I appreciate every form of art, whether it's instrumental music, drama, painting, creative literature. All of these art forms are connected in some way. I think you have an amazing passion for your instrument and I think you're brilliant.

    I look forward to learning more about you, Mr. Dauverne!

    Ellen Terry

  3. Mr. Dauverne,

    I sincerely enjoyed reading your artifacts. However, you do not have an interview. Hopefully, I will get to know you better over the course of the time we will be together.

    As artists we have many things in common. For an example, you have a certain etude that you use to warm up. I can relate to that because I have specific scales that I sing to warm up my voice every time I perform. After seeing your artifacts, I can conclude that you are a very smart musician. I do not intend to boast, but I am a very smart musician as well. Finally, we both care about our art. Your blog clearly shows that you have a passion for your work, and I have passion for my art as well.

    Even though we have many things in common, we are very different people. Obviously, you play the trumpet and I am an opera singer. Additionally, you wrote books on your form of art. I never wrote any literature about opera. Another reason that we are different is that you taught at a conservatory and had students. Throughout my years of success, I was never a teacher.

    Overall, I would like to inform you that I am very impressed with your passion for art. I respect how dedicated you seem to be about music. Your artifacts conclude that you are a very smart, and talented musician. I highly respect you and your work.

    I hope we will get to know each other better because you seem like a very talented musician. I hope to hear back from you soon.


    Adelina Patti

  4. thank you but if you were worried about my interview then dont worry it it coming very soon

  5. Hello Francois wheres you interview? I've been expecting to seen it, but from looking at your artifacts I see that you were a fellow musician like myself. But I cant find many differences about you... get on your job! I'm waiting!

  6. Hello Mr. Dauverne, where is your interview. You should really step up your work. Anyways we share many similarities. We are both Composers. We share the same art form. We also both play instruments. I would love to know if we have any more.

    I am not exactly sure about the differences we share.

    I like what i can see from your artifacts, other than that, im not sure.
    Edward Elgar

  7. Hello Francois,
    I too waited for your interview to be put up. But well, maybe if I knew anything about you I could determine what's keeping you away...I learned that you are indeed a trumpet player. I am not. I am a woman. And you are not. I am an actress. You are not. But we do have one thing in common, procrastination. If you look at the time this is posted you will see.
    Overall sir, I see the obvious differences. I'd love to see more simmilarities. I cannot wait to meet you in person.

  8. I very much appreciate your due diligence in trying to get Mr. Dauverne to post his interview!
